Welcome to my site.  My name is Angela West and I am just your average middle class woman.  I have enjoyed expressing myself through poetry for as long as I can remember.  The first poem I remember writing was in the third grade. My subject matter has been given a new light since meeting my wonderful husband Allan in 1996. Allan and my beautiful daughter Brittany have given me a new joy in my writing.

This project was inspired by my husbands encouragement to put all of my poetry in one location.  I do not intend on becoming the next great poet or anything. This is my first publication and it is like bearing my soul to all who visit this site and read the contents.  I hope each poem brings you joy and maybe a taste of what I felt as I wrote it. This is a compilation of a variety of emotions I have felt over the past twelve years.

I realize this leaves quite a time span between third grade and 1996 but the deep dark emotions I felt over those years are something I keep close to myself and only share with those who are closest to my heart. I am grateful to everyone who helped pull me out of that dark time and make me the happy carefree person I am today.

Each of the poems in "From the Heart and Soul" are written with special meaning to a person or persons in my life. You know who you are.

       Feel free to copy, print or share any of the poetry found here. Just please show respect to the original content and do not make any changes or alterations to the content or signature.

     If you have any questions or comments please let me know.  You can reach me at westmatte821@yahoo.com  ......ENJOY!!

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