A Mother’s Love


A Mother’s Love lasts as long

As the ocean tide

Though it’s ever changing

It’s something she can’t hide


For the bond a mother feels

Deep down in her heart

Remains as unconditional

As it was right from the start


When she held you in her arms

And kissed your tiny nose

A special seed was planted

And to this day still grows


Through the years she watched you grow

And change from day to day

With the sunshine in her laughter

As she watched you play


She kissed it when you skinned your knee

And wiped your little tears

And made a silly little game

Out of all your childhood fears


She supported you in everything

You ever tried to do

And tucked you in every night

Saying “Angel, I love you”


A Mother’s Love is constant

So Perfect and so True

A very special kind of love

Reserved for only YOU.


…Angela West

Copyright  1999
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