In the Hearts of Two

I know the road can be rocky

Rewards few and far between             

Questions always coming                      

What does all this mean                               

Everything is a hassle                                   

Thoughts spin in your head                

  Can it all be worth it                                   

    No one means just what they said            

Every corner that you  turn        

     A new obstacle to beat              

Every question that you answer

                Brings another argument to meet

When all the world                 

        Turns upside down                


          Keep on looking                       

                     There is sunshine to be found

When all your friends

   Have left your side

         Two smiling faces

           Will never hide

All the hardships

         You face each day


            Will soon be worth

                            What you had to pay

For genuine love

     Is pure and true


              And you will find it

                              In the hearts of TWO......


                     **Angela West

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