A River


My love is like a river flowing from my heart to yours

With each passing moment my love eternally pours

You ask me to explain it, I don’t think there’s a way

I just feel it deep inside me each and every day


I cannot count the reason I hold you so very dear

My heart races with excitement every time that you are near

You are my inspiration the reason for my smile

You are my motivation to go that extra mile


If I think of life without you the blackness it does bring

It feels so cold and lonely even the birds will not sing

I cannot think of living without your smiling face

I feel so safe inside your arms and warm in your embrace


Sometimes I may not show it or say it everyday

But I wanted you to know that I love you in every way

I want to be beside you when I fall asleep at night

And feel your body next to me in the early morning light


I wish I could express the deep emotions I do feel

I know without a second thought that our love is real

You are the air that I breath the sunshine in my life

And I count my blessings everyday that you made me your wife




--Angela West

Copyright  1996
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