The Never Ending Day

Here I sit alone and blue
Wishing I were there with you
How many hours until I can go
Time is ticking by so slow

This day is dragging on and on
 I cannot wait until I am gone
To see your loving smiling eyes
Oh I wish that time could fly

I need your love I need your touch
I miss you oh so very much
I need you in every way
I love you more each passing day

Thank you for all you've been to me
And thank you more for all I know you'll be
You are my husband, you're my best friend
You'll be my lover until the end

No other man shall ever touch my soul
For your sweet love has made me whole
My heart and soul belong to you
No other love will ever do

For like a gift you came to me
And in my life you'll always be
The most important thing in my whole life
Is that I am your loving wife.

...Angela West

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