The Book of Life

I look back on my life
All the pages I do flip
I see so many parts
That I'd just love to skip

There are so many words
That I could never take back
And all of those times
I went down the wrong track

Now that I am older
And time it has passed by
I've found you can't change it
No matter how hard you try

Each breath and every action
Is right there on the page
Each sin that was committed
And at every age

My history is written
Right there in white and black
and I cannot change it
or take anything back

Now all that I can do 
With this book of my past
Is make every new chapter
Much better than the last

For in the book of your life
Everyday is a page gone
So make each new today
Worth what it's written on

So that when YOU go back
And take a long hard look
You will want to keep reading
And not just shut the book.

.....Angela West
Copyright  2008
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